The community of Thunder Bay, Ontario is grieving the devastating loss of 30-year-old Justin Day, a beloved family man and dedicated arborist. Justin passed away unexpectedly on October 15th, leaving behind his heartbroken parents, siblings, children, and countless friends.
Early Life and Passions
Born on August 28, 1993 to parents Tamara and Scott, Justin Alan Day was raised in Thunder Bay. He attended local Catholic schools St. Jude and Pope John Paul II, where he excelled in sports.
Baseball, hockey, and time with teammates filled Justin's childhood. He cherished being part of a team and never missed a practice or game. Well into adulthood, Justin maintained his love of sports.
After graduating high school, Justin earned his forestry degree from Confederation College. His connection to the outdoors ran deep.
Devotion to Family
Nothing mattered more to Justin than family. He shared an incredibly close bond with his parents, joining his father for frequent fishing trips and embracing his role as his mother's one true love.
Justin's relationship with his sister Jaidyn was also special. The playful, affectionate pair were inseparable growing up.
Most of all, Justin adored his two children, Hutson and Emma. He was their protector and whole world, filling their lives with joy and beautiful memories.
Passionate Arborist
For over 9 years, Justin worked as an arborist for Garden of Eden Tree Services - a fulfilling career combining his skills and love of nature. Known for his strong work ethic and vibrant personality, Justin thrived alongside his colleagues.
He took pride in caring for trees, which he considered living art. Though Justin didn't view himself as an artist, his unique creations were treasured by those who received them.
A Heart of Gold
Above all, Justin Day is remembered for his enormous heart and selfless spirit. He extended kindness and compassion to all, giving his shoes and clothes off his back if someone was in need.
Justin's pure soul touched everyone he encountered. His beautiful smile and warm hugs made the world a brighter place. Though his loss leaves an unfillable void, Justin's shining legacy persists in the lives he enriched.